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What is Intuitive Eating (IE)?There are so many ways I could answer this question, but ultimately much of what IE can be described as is a mindset of ease towards food and eating. IE was first coined by two dietitian’s Elise Resch and Evelyn Tribole in their 1995 book. It describes a process or framework to support individuals as they work to remove judgment, shame, and guilt from food and eating. IE contains ten principals which serve as guideposts to assist people in a way of eating that is centered on their body and not their brain. The IE framework is dynamic, and the process is unique for each individual. It includes practices such as becoming reacquainted with one’s innate body cues of hunger and fullness, as well as learning to challenge one’s internal (and external) food critic.
Is there research on Intuitive Eating?Absolutely! Intuitive eating is evidence-based with over 150 studies to date. Feel free to contact me if there are specific research topics you would like to know more about.
Will I lose weight with Intuitive Eating?Anyone who sells weight loss as a product of intuitive eating is not truly aligned with IE. I, nor anyone else, is able to predict how your body will respond as a result of becoming an intuitive eater. A person who has been severely restricting food may find that they gain weight as their body settles into its happy place. Others may remain the same size, or even lose weight once behaviors are changed.
What if I still want to lose weight?You’re not alone. Most of the clients I work with have deep-rooted desires to change their body. Living in our fat-phobic society which equates thinness with health and happiness makes it challenging to give up the pursuit of weight loss. If you are at a point where you recognize that weight-loss attempts have not worked for you (through no fault of your own), and you are ready to prioritize improving your relationship with food and your body, then IE may be a good fit for you. Our work together will aim to understand what lies behind your pursuit of weight loss.
How long will it take to become an intuitive eater?I wish that I could provide you with a concrete amount of time, but the truth is that it depends on your individual situation and how long you have been disconnected from your body. Treatment duration often correlates with the length of time an individual has been dieting or practicing restrictive behaviors. Someone in their 50’s who was put on a diet in childhood will likely require more time than someone who began restrictive behaviors in adulthood.
What does it mean to be weight-inclusive?Weight-inclusive care is an approach which looks at, and targets interventions based on the whole-person regardless of body size or weight. A weight-inclusive practice will prioritize a person’s well-being (psychological, social, and physical), and health-supporting behaviors, instead of focusing on weight or weight-loss as the goal or measure of health. Health is much more complicated than weight!
My doctor has prescribed weight loss, can you help?Yes! I will serve as your advocate with your physician when discussing your health-related goals. While weight loss may or may not be the outcome of our work together, we will work towards behaviors that support positive and measurable health outcomes (physically, mentally, and emotionally).
I’m in treatment for an eating disorder, can you help?The principals of intuitive eating can be immensely helpful in the treatment of eating disorders. However, our time together will not have enough structure to support active eating disorders. My work is not appropriate for individuals who are actively engaging in dangerous restrictive and/or purging behaviors once a week or more.
Intuitive Eating sounds like another diet. How is it different from a diet?I completely understand this perspective and to be honest, I too was skeptical when I was first introduced to IE. You are good to be skeptical! A big difference is that there are no rules with IE. There is no right or wrong way to practice IE. This can be scary for a lot of clients who are used to black-and white-thinking which often accompanies many eating plans. With IE I will not give you a list of foods to eat or not to eat, nor will I suggest you limit portion sizes, calories, or macronutrients. While we will look at your patterns of eating, this is to support the ebb and flow of your hunger/fullness cues. Towards the end of our time together we will gently explore adding and balancing nutrients to your meals to support your overall health goals and align with any preexisting conditions. Excluding extraneous circumstances, this only happens once you have become reacquainted with your body’s signals and have a good relationship with food.
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